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Brown Turkey Fig Trees

Q.Turkey fig tree fruit is turning solid white

Zone 39429 | STEPHEN CRAWLEY added on June 12, 2017 | Answered

The green fruit on our turkey fig tree has started turning white. Looks like it could be mildew. It is just on the fruit. We have had a good bit of rain. Should it be sprayed? We have had 1 batch already that did fine. This is the 2nd batch coming on from the tree.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 14, 2017

Also, be sure that when watering avoid getting water on the plant and fruit.

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Answered on June 14, 2017

Remove any infected fruit with rubber gloves on, being careful not to touch healthy plant foliage, stems and fruit. If the environment that caused the development of the mildew no longer exists, and the surrounding foliage and fruit is healthy then I would just observe at this point.

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