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Tuberose Plants

Q.Tuberose plant flowering

Zone Trivandrum | Srivishnu45 added on May 29, 2018 | Answered

I planted 20 rajanigandha/tuberose bulbs 5 months ago. All of them grown well and now spikes have come out from all plants. Lots of buds are in each spike. But the buds are decaying. The buds are not opening/growing into flowers. Each bud is decaying from the spike and getting brownish and falling down . But the plant and stem of spike are healthy. What will be the reason for the decaying of buds ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 29, 2018

Too much direct sun, watering the leaves in the sun will fry them and/or the pot is flooded at the bottom. Take everything outa the pot and enlarge the holes at the bottom. Line just the bottom of pot with small rocks, 1.5xs bigger then the draining holes so they dont plug the holes. This ensures successful drainage. Get new potting soil as the old soil is bacteria ridden and smells like doodoo. Rinse your bulbs and let air dry in the shade for a few days then plant into dry soil thats been pre mixed with root growth hormone and has already been dried out again. When you water make sure your watering in the am so its nice and moist throughout the day but is dry again by night. This will ensure theres no rotting or mold forming. Before you replant cut all the foliage down to a few inches along with the dry and rotted out stalks. This ensures all the nutrients are being absorbed by the root and base (developing flower buds) and not by the dying off leaves. If any bulbs havent opened and seem salvageable cut stalk at base and put into a vase sitting in the sunny window. I always cut off my stalks after they bloom so the nutrients arent being used by the dying off parts of the plant. I live near the beach where its humid but not tropical, ventura ca. Mine like 6ish hours of sun a day although not direct hot all day sun Thatll upset any flower honestly. Enjoy and good luck. Whatever u do ensure great drainage and they love water but not flooding and please completely dry entire pot of soil before re watering. But soak completely when you do water

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Answered on May 30, 2018

Sir checked thoroughly and found small spider nets in between buds and spikes and also found some too small spiders also. How to get rid of them?

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Answered on May 29, 2018

Of the few pests and diseases that affect tuberose, most would also show signs on the leaves. Since it is only flowers that are affected, 3 possibilities remain. One is a fungus, Botrytis cinerea, that typically strikes when weather is wet and cool and two are insects. Thrips and spider mites are tiny - spider mites are the size of a grain of pepper might be infesting the buds where they suck the juices. Spider mites can sometimes be identified by a small spider-web appearance near the bud. Examine buds carefully for these pests and hand remove or choose an insecticide that is rated for those insects.

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