Q.Trying To Find Something That Will Help Me Rid My Aboveground Growbeds Of Rootknot Nematodes.
Growbeds are filled with sand and fed/watered with water from a large fishtank on a timer. The system is a closed system which recycles and filters the fish water. System is known as IAVS/Sandgardening. I have been battling the RKNs for a while. I am thinking trying Showy Rattlebox as green manure if it is fish-friendly.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is going to be a tough answer. There isn't much in the way of control when it comes to nematodes, but there has been much promise with the particular strain of Lactobacillus... L. brevis.
This is a something that has been shown to fight certain infections in fish, anyway, so finding out that it has potential to eliminate RKN is quite interesting.