Q.what is going on with peace lily
I live in Florida and for a while had the plant indoors. My son told me to move it outside, as he felt it was too cold with the A/C on all day. I moved it to my lanai where it is not in direct sunlight by still get some sun. I have watered it when the leaves begin to droop. Lately, I’ve noticed that the center of the green leaves is turning a greyish color. Is the plant lacking something or am I doing something wrong?

It sounds as if the crown is rotting out.
When watering you should avoid overhead watering, water the soil itself.
You can also water by setting the plant in a tray of water for a short period of time.
Then remove the tray so any excess water can drain away.
If the leaves pull away from the plant, they have died off.
Outdoors your plant will need more water then in the indoor location.