Q.trying to decide
I am trying to decide what flowering vine to plant up over the pergola on our upper deck. I’m in (cold zone 4) – deck faces south in full sun. The deck is 9 ft above ground and the small pergola is another 6 ft above that, so either the plant has to climb from the ground or be potted on the deck. (A pot could be brought indoors over winter). Here’s the catch! I want color all summer, so a long blooming plant is important. Any suggestions?

If you're willing to bring in a potted plant for the winter, you have almost unlimited choices. You might also consider 2 or more vines, to have flowers all summer. If you want to plant in the ground, it will take longer for the vine to reach your pergola, but it will be a lot less trouble. Some possibilities might be Dropmore honeysuckle, perfoliate honeysuckle, trumpet vine, or some varieties of clematis. A good source of information particular to your area would be found at the master gardener assoc in your area; contact the nearest botanical garden for information. In the meantime, this article will give you some points to consider: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/spaces/pergola-climbing-plants.htm