Q.Trumpet Vines/Wisteria
How tall do trumpet vines grow? If I wanted one to grow up the side of my house, what kind of trellis or support would I need to construct?
What is the best way to prune wisteria? My neighbor has a tiered wooden fence separating our properties and I have wisteria growing on my side and have it supported by a net and cable to even out the fenceline for privacy, but it is getting very heavy. Can I prune it agressively without killing it?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Trumpet vines can grow quite high and make a nice cover for a wall. We recommend that you build a trellis (plain slatted one is fine) for it to climb as its roots (which is uses to climb) can do damage to your walls.
You can prune wisteria very aggressively. This article will help with pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/wisteria/pruning-wisteria.htm