Q.trumpet vines
I’d like to grow trumpet vines and want to know if you’ve ever seen any with purple vs green foliage – I know there are many colors for the flowers, but would ask if there are any that don’t have just green foliage. I’d also like to know if the plant is toxic to dogs?
Can I just purchase seeds and plant now in Ohio, or do I have to plant seeds indoors first until soil is warmer? If using seeds, how far apart should I plant them? Finally, I’m also very interested in them due to several areas of of the yard that has excess water/mud puddles and hope that planting these vines can pull water/help drain yard.
thank-you, meg
The foliage color of trumpet vines is various shades of green. I am not aware of a purple foliage variety.
You can either plant them in pots or sow them directly in the garden (about ¼ to ½ inch deep) in the early spring. I would space them 3-4 inches apart.
My research indicates that trumpet vine is toxic to dogs.
For more information on growing and propagating trumpet vines, please visit the following link: