Q.Trumpet plant
My trumpet plant is falling over. The stems or trunks are 1 1/2 to 2 inches with multiple branches and seems to be healthy with green leaves and blooms in fall and spring. Buds are appearing now in spring. What should I do to get it stand upright?
Brugmansia plants bloom on new wood, so you can prune at any time; but it will take time for new buds and flowers to form.
Most gardeners do prune the plants in early spring to avoid removing the first flowers.
Brugmansia can take hard pruning and can even be cut back to 1 foot of the ground.
Older branches can be cut back to 1/2 inch above a node.
This will encourage studier branching.
Light pruning can occur throughout the season will help keep the shrub in shape and actually encourage more flowers.