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Container Tomato Plants

Q.Trouble with my tomato plant

Zone Redington Shores, Fl Zone 9 | Anonymous added on January 16, 2018 | Answered

I have little bugs flying around my tomato plant! How do I get rid of them without hurting the plant? Also, the leaves are starting to turn brown and die – more so than just on the bottom stems; however, the plant continues to grow and bear fruit. Suggestions? FYI – I live in central Florida and the plant is in a pot on my porch.
Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 17, 2018

The bugs could be whiteflies or fungus gnats; check whether they fit the descriptions:

As for the brown leaves, first check that the plant has good environmental conditions. If it's exposed to excessive cold or heat, drought or overwatering, or sunburn, the leaves could turn brown. Also see these articles for more possibilities:

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