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Boston Fern Plants

Q.Trimming of Boston Fern?

Zone Utah | cliftonjolley added on August 6, 2014 | Answered

I have purchased a home that has a large indoor planter (10′ x 10′). It’s an architectural feature of the home, contained only on the sides by concrete walls, with the bottom of the planter extending down to the subsoil. There is an old, healthy growth of Boston Ferns that has a heavy under matting of dead leaves. Should I trim out the dead leaves under the healthy growth or leave as is?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 7, 2014

OMG that is so gorgeous. You are super lucky. By all means, trim out the dead fronds. Just lift up the green stuff (which looks quite healthy BTW) and reach in with scissors, and cut those off as close to the base of the plant as you can get. Here are some articles to help with the care of your planter: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/boston-fern/boston-fern-care.htm

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