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Hyacinth Plant

Q.trimming a peony plant

Zone Hertfordshire | Anonymous added on May 24, 2016 | Answered

I have a beautiful peony plant that produces an abundance of gorgeous flowers for approx. two weeks; however, the plant itself is now so large (about 3 ft wide and 2 ft high) that I cannot see the plants behind it. Can I trim the plant or will I damage it,? Is it preferable to move it at the appropriate time of year?

Many thanks
Julia Davies

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 24, 2016

The recommended time to cut peonies to the ground is late fall or early spring, before new growth emerges. It is best to leave the foliage until it is completely brown so it continues to photosynthesize which helps it store up energy for next year. Plants cut back too early will regrow next year but just may not have a strong show of blooms. That isn't to say you can't cut it back some right now, I just wouldn't cut it to the ground.

If you are thinking about transplanting your peonies, here is an article that will tell you when and how:

For more information on how to prune peonies, please visit the following link:


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