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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 84087 | Charlotte Gant added on May 4, 2018 | Answered

I realize that “trees” is not really “gardening”, but failed at trying to contact USU Extension Service, so thought you might either know the answer or be able to give me a contact number that works. I have lived in Davis County since 1992, at the same location. I have a large maple tree and EVERY year since I’ve been here, it has produced bushels of “helicopters”/seeds. This year, it has none. The tree looks healthy. What I’ve seen online looks like there is nothing to worry about, I just wanted to hear from a local expert. Thanks for any help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 5, 2018

This can be normal on some occasions. This is, actually, a welcomed sight for most people, as this means that they will not spread seed this year. This means many less saplings will have to be dealt with.

If you do not see any seeds withing the next few years, then there could be something wrong with the tree, but it is normal for them to have some years of no production.

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