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Nectarine Trees


Zone 91741 | annabelle_penarubia added on April 16, 2018 | Answered

I just planted a nice white nectarine with lots of flowers. Fruits are starting to show but as I was cleaning my pool filter the chlorinated water from the filter emptied into our yard and into the new tree we just planted. I took the hose and washed the chlorine from the tree and overwatered it until the water overflowed out of the hole where the tree is planted. Will my tree die and how do I save it from dying?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 16, 2018

The only thing to do is what you have already done. As long as you caught it fast enough, it should be ok. It is a gas, and will let off relatively fast, so if you caught it as it was happening, then it will likely not be affected much.

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