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Birch Trees

Q.Tree sterilization

Zone Hermitage...65668...zone 6 | Granny added on May 26, 2016 | Answered

I have a birch tree that is approximately 15 years old and this year has produced hundreds of catkins that are blowing everywhere. Unfortunately, they are landing in our in-ground pool and plugging the filter. We have been setting the alarm to keep it clean so as not to burn up the pump and also swimming with those tiny things isn’t pleasant. Is there any way to prevent the tree from producing like that. I love the tree and certainly do not want to have it removed. Thanks for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2016

It "may" be possible to prevent your birch from producing catkins by some type of sterilization such as a hormone regulator, however it's possible that the tree would suffer long-term detrimental effects from the process. In many cases, the process doesn't work well, or at all. We suggest that you consult a professional arborist in your area.

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