Q.Tree Shedding Leaves
I have a large banyan tree in my front yard in South Florida, I have noticed over the last month excessive leaves falling… my husband and I have to bag about 2-3 contractors bags of leaves every week to keep it contained. We do have an irrigation system in the front yard that goes off 3x a week since we are not in rain season yet… the leaves are yellowing and falling but not any drastic discolorations or damage to the leaves so I am not certain if the tree is sick, has a pest or is being over watered 🙁 please help!!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If the irrigation system is giving it more water than usual, I would suspect that as the reason. Has there been any drastic weather changes? That can cause leaf drop. Stress can cause yellowing and leaf drop, so check carefully for signs of insects or disease.