Q.Tree for water heavy area in significant shade?
Our yard has a moderate downward grade to the back yard, a very high water table (due to numerous springs in the neighborhood), and clay based soil. We are in Atlanta (Zone 8). I would like to plant a tree(s) in a cleared area of woods within the wooded buffer between our house (about 40′ from this area) and the creek that separates us from the yards of the next street. Three trees come up as candidates – River Birch, Weeping Willow, and Bald Cypress. I prefer the cypress, but the area is shaded most of the day. The area would support a more vertically growing tree than one that needs to spread out. The objective is to soak up as much water (sometimes standing after a rain) as possible. What do you suggest? Note: I could take down a few saplings that would provide more morning sun and room for wider growth.)
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would go with the river birch because it will tolerate part shade. The bald cypress needs full sun.