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Bradford Pear Trees

Q.Tree Damage from Woodpecker

Anonymous added on January 3, 2014 | Answered

Two of my three Bradford pear trees were damaged (hundreds of holes pecked through the bark). I have put up pie tins to keep the bird(s) away, but what do I need to do to repair the tree and keep insects out of the holes. Should I fill the holes with wood filler or some sealer? Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 3, 2014

Filling in the holes can cause further damage, as it traps moisture and disease. If it is just a few holes, treat them with an insecticide and a fungicide (neem oil is nice because it is both) and let them heal over naturally. If it is more than a few holes or they are big holes (more than 1 inch), you can cover the area with hardware mesh to keep animals out.

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