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Insect Pest Control

Q.Treating Tree Borers Effectively

Zone 87508 | Anonymous added on October 19, 2021 | Answered

I am using a Dominion 2L drench at roots of my trees. Is there a point in the season when the dominion will no longer be absorbed by roots? if trees go dormant does that mean they will not take up the treatment? I have mostly juniper and pinion trees. When do they enter dormancy?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 25, 2021

If you already have an infestation, removing the tree is usually the best option. For prevention, making sure your trees are healthy with adequate water, mulch, and fertilization will help to ward off the insects.

Your soil drench will be absorbed immediately and provide year-long protection from listed insects. Evergreen trees do not go completely dormant like deciduous trees.

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