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Q.Treating Poor Drainage

Zone Me7 ql | sheila51 added on April 28, 2023 | Answered

Although my 30ft x 2ft Garden Bed will crust over in warm weather the soil beneath remains wet ( not waterlogged) at all times and I have lost many plants. I am now going to add Permalite and apart from turning this into the soil was wondering if i should dig deep and literally lay a 2 inch trough of it all along the Bed. This aside, is there anything else I can do or add that will reduce the amount of earth so compaction does not occur and there is more drainage space?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 28, 2023

Sure! there are several things that you can add, from organic materials and compost, to earthworms! Here are two articles that will offer more suggestions on what and how to add:



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