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Knockout Rose Bushes

Q.Treated Knock roses in the early spring for black fungus, pruned all the affected stems. applied rose fertilizer and wood chips to

Zone Roseville Michigan | marguerita1234 added on July 4, 2019 | Answered

the area. Roses came up BEAUTIFULLY! looking healthy great blooms, now I don’t see any new buds the flowers are ready to be dead headed . which will leave bare plants any suggestion? The rose bushes are about 10 years old and have always flourished looking for treatment for them to help them bloom again

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 5, 2019

All roses take a little breather now and then especially in the hotter weather. When the weather cools, the blooms will return in abundance. Keep them watered well and fed. You can give them some water with a product called super thrive and some root stimulator in it the next 4 to 5 times they need water. This will give them a bit of a boost and the super thrive helps them deal with any stresses they may be dealing with. All roses love Kelp Meal as well. So if you have not done so, sprinkle a cup of kelp meal at the base of each rosebush, work in lightly and water in well. This will help the new growth to come in that leads to new buds and blooms.

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