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Container Tomato Plants

Q.Transporting Tomato Plants

Anonymous added on June 22, 2011 | Answered

I am moving and have several large tomato and pepper plants on my patio. What is the best way to transport them (about 15 miles)? Also, should I continue to grow them in their pots- they are all doing well, except my Roma has BER. There is space to plant, but I hesitate shocking them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 22, 2011

As long as they are doing well and you can provide them with enough water in the pots, you can keep them in the pots.

As far as moving them, the trick is to do so as slowly as possible and pad them well. The vibrations from the car or truck can collapse the air pockets in the soil, which causes damage to the roots and compacts the soil. The slower you can go, the better chance they will survive the trip. Also, make sure that they are well watered before moving them. This will help keep the air pockets intact and the roots padded in the soil.

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