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Hyacinth Plant

Q.transplanting yuccas

Zone 75069 | laurielee added on February 18, 2016 | Answered

My next door neighbor has a group of 6 yuccas in her backyard; one is on my side of fence.; I would like to transplant, but what is the deal with that big root that looks like a python?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 19, 2016

Yucca can be transplanted with some work. Mark the plant to place it in the hole in the same position.
With a sharp spade dig down approx 15" deep in an 8" diameter around the plant base.
Work the shovel back and forth to severe the lateral roots.
With the shovel pry the Yucca from the soil.
The Yucca can be placed onto a tarp and placed in a shady location for the roots to dry or form a callus. About 5 days.
Plant in a new hole twice as wide as the root ball and the same depth that it was previous.
Back fill and press the soil to remove any air pockets but not to firmly.
Water to a depth of 2". Allow to dry out and then water to a 3" depth.

You will need to wear protective gear for this task!


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