Q.Transplanting irises
I’ve been given several Bearded Iris that were just dug up after blooming.. They have been trimmed to 10 inch fans.. Do they need fertilizer? I haven’t trimmed mine back..thought it was a little early? What do you suggest? I’ve put them in planters for the time being. Thank you
Iris are often transplanted after flowering. 10" fans are very generous, maybe too tall to withstand a storm while the roots are getting established. Prepare a wide circle for the iris and use soil to make a mound in the middle, a little flat-topped volcano. Place the iris on the mound and spread the roots out. Refill the hold and water. The rhizome should be half exposed after planting. Don't fertilize until you see new leaf growth and then go with half the recommended rate. As with other bloomers, the leaves help rebuild the plant's energy after flowering. Unlike tulips, iris leaves are present all summer and fall so trimming them now is OK for transplanting.