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Elephant Ear Plants

Q.transplanting elephant ears into larger pots

Zone Zone 3. Ely MN | lildogphotography@yahoo.com added on April 6, 2015 | Answered

I didn’t expect them to get so big so fast. I now have 6 plants growing in 1 big pot. I won’t be able to put them in the ground till like the end of May. All 13 of them are doing terrific, standing a strong 3-4 feet tall already, with huge leaves. Plan is to “dump” out the pots, separate the roots and put them individually in their own big pot. In about 2 weeks, I will have the greenhouse going, and they will be moved out there then. Is my plan correct? Do you have any helpful advice to help them be strong until putting outside?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 6, 2015

Your plan of action sounds very good. My best advice would be to duplicate the soil, watering and fertilizing you have provided your elephant ear plants thus far, as it seems to have served you very well!

For more information on growing elephant ear plants, please visit the following link:

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