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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Transplanting Calla Lilies grown in containers

Zone Zone 6 - southeastern PA | youngn0425 added on November 3, 2015 | Answered

The two containers they were in deteriorated and I wanted to put them into new containers. There were also not as many flowers this years as in the past so I figured it must be time to spread them out into a few new containers. I found dozens of bulbs or rhizomes when I dug them out. How many should I put into a 12″ high x 12″ round/tapered container? I usually keep them in their containers in the garage over the winter. Now that I dug them up, should I keep them in peat moss until spring or can I transplant them into the new containers now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 5, 2015

Since you have removed the bulbs I would follow the cleaning, drying and storing information in the link below.
Then in spring you can replant the bulbs.

I like to fill the pots with the bulbs by planting in a circular pattern.
Start with one bulb in the center and fill the pot leaving about 1 1/2 inches between bulbs.

Here is more information.


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