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Q.transplanting cactus

Zone Chicago IL | kfred added on February 27, 2017 | Answered

I was given a packet of cactus seeds several years ago A few of the cactus plants survived and are growing quite large (5-6″). However, they are very close together. What is the best way to move them farther apart/into a new pot? Can I do this without losing one or more?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 27, 2017

I don't think they necessarily need to be moved to a new pot or separated- I think another succulent or cactus could actually fit in the same pot with them without being crowded. If you want to space them more evenly, though, you can probably repot them in the same pot for that purpose. Or, you can separate them and pot each one snugly in its own small pot. See this article for tips on repotting cactus:


The risk with moving them to a larger pot is that a larger pot takes longer to dry out, so there will be a risk of overwatering. Cacti can be placed pretty snugly in pots compared to other plants because of their low water requirements.

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