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Rowan Trees

Q.Transplanting a Young Rowan Tree

Anonymous added on April 17, 2015 | Answered

I have a couple of very young Rowan trees, which I have managed to nurture from just a couple of twiggy specimens in large pots outdoors. These trees were given to me by a neighbor a couple of years ago. They are both doing really, really well and transplanted one of them in the front of my garden a year and a half ago and it is growing wonderfully, and is now over a foot tall. The other is still in its pot and growing wonderful. I want to transplant this one from its pot and place it at the far end of the back garden, but not sure when the best time to do this is, as it has just recently produced another load of leaves and growing nicely. I do not want to kill it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 21, 2015

I would recommend moving your rowan tree in the late fall after it has gone dormant.

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