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Q.Transplanting A Branchless ‘tall Stick’ Oakleaf Hydrangea

Zone 30082 | Anonymous added on March 26, 2023 | Answered

I dug an Oakleaf Hydrangea from the shaded depths of a Charleston yard- 5′ tall,one bud forming at the tippy top, but not one lateral branch. Should the top be pruned shorter? Or will lateral branches develop if I leave it alone?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 27, 2023

I would take no action for (at the least) 1 year after transplanting to see what does the plant do. Lateral branches may develop quickly or not so have patience and let the plant decide when and where to start new growth. It is not possible to force this branching to a specific location in a stem or at a specific time but you can use pinching to promote a fuller bush. It works with hydrangeas too. Water, mulch, amend to acidify alkaline soils. Fertilize after all danger of frost has passed (2nd-3rd weeks of April). Oakleaf hydrangeas typically branch out though. When I lived in Atlanta, I provided morning sun until 11am during the summer months. Luis

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