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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Toxic tires.

nortonsound added on August 22, 2017 | Answered

Not really a question. No place for comments. There are suggestions on this site to hill potatoes with old tires. I would suggest sticking ones nose into an old tire for several minutes and absorbe to the aroma. Toxic is the only scent I could describe, and yet there are still people who will recommend tires. Why?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 25, 2017

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides a wealth of information about scrap tires, their potential harm, and how to properly recycle and reuse them.
It lists two major concerns about harmful chemicals from tires, but only as a result of either burning them or shredding them into mulch. It shows no potential harm resulting from planting in tires. In fact, they even have a picture of some veggies growing in tires!

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