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Torch Lily Plants

Q.Torch gingers not flourshing

Zone Naples, Florida | azeroth45 added on June 26, 2016 | Answered

I have a torch ginger in a pot in south FL in partial diffuse shade to full sun for short periods when it is not at peak and it grows new shoots and most stems seem healthy but they never get more than 3 to 4 feet tall and never bloom before they start to turn yellow and die.

Sometimes when the new shoots grow, the leaves begin to open up before they are even fully out of the stem which causes them to be deformed by the time they have fully come out of the stem. I have it in a well draining mix of mulch, sand and organic compost and I fertilizer every 2 months or so with a high potassium fertilizer. I also don’t let it get too much or too little water as far as I can tell.

What could be causing its arrested development and over-eager leaf development?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 28, 2016

Do to the size of these plants, container growing is not recommended.
Your plant will likely do much better planted directly into the garden.


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