Q.topsy turvy pepper planter
How can 7 pepper plants grow in such a small area – like Anaheim chilis, Bell peppers, Poblano chilis, Jalapenos peppers, lettuce, etc.? Also, should you used 3-gal buckets for the above, and one last question: your feeling on Kellog organic potting mix? Thank you.
For best results, grow each pepper plant in a separate container. 3 gal size for each one should work. Here's an article with more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/pepper/growing-peppers-container.htm
A smaller container will work for lettuce. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/lettuce/growing-lettuce-containers.htm
Regarding the Kellogg potting mix, it's not our policy to advocate or comment on specific commercial products, but you can find on-line discussions of the stuff by putting the name into your browser and hitting enter.