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Q.Topping Image Usage

Zone 29650 | Anonymous added on August 30, 2020 | Answered


I work for the Non-Profit Organization, TreesUpstate in Greenville, SC and we are writing a Tree Care Tip article on Tree Topping. Our mission is to plant, promote and protect the trees in and around Greenville by providing our followers with the necessary information they need to help our trees thrive. I recently came across your diagram on your blog which would be a perfect addition to our article (see attached) and I was wondering if I might get your permission to use this diagram while properly mentioning you as our source. I appreciate your consideration.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 2, 2020

If it was a guest blogger, you would have to contact that person. If it was ours, you would need to contact someone in administration.

Here is a form you can use:

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