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Soil Problems

Q.Too Much Phosphorus In My Veggie Garden Soil

Zone 01543 | KRock added on April 20, 2020 | Answered

I have had my soil tested for the past three years and have excessive phosphorus levels. I had used a lot of cow manure originally in my garden. My garden has not grown well. I am considering removing a lot of the soil and buying new soil. Do you think this will help to correct my problem? Also, if your answer is yes that it could help, what kind of soil should I be looking to purchase? Thanks so very much!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2020

Generally, it will be easier to replace the soil if this is an option for you. This will be a shortcut compared to chelating out the extra Phosphorus in the soil, then re-ammending and balancing it back out.

I would choose a good mix of local topsoil, good organic compost, and something to fluff it up like coconut coir or similar. (You don't need the last one, but it sure does help)

Here are some articles that will help:




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