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Roma Tomato Plants

Q.Tomatoes Won’t Ripen

Anonymous added on December 7, 2010 | Answered

This is the second year now that I have planted Roma tomatoes and they fail to ripen. There are hundreds of tomatoes on the 4 vines and the size is good, but they don’t seem to want to ripen. They have not been planted in the same bed, as we have shifted house and we also had problems ripening at our holiday home down the coast where we have had hundreds of beautiful tomatoes previously. Hope you can help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 8, 2010

Normally if tomatoes will not ripen, it is an issue with the temperatures and time. Do you start the plants outdoors or indoors and have you noticed that it has been cooler (or not)? Tomatoes need heat to ripen well and if they don't get that, they may stay green for some time.

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