Q.Tomatoes Blossom but No Fruit
Same location as before. It’s been hot in Denver but protected plant during morning intense sun. Dad used Epsom salts. Tried earlier but no results. Cherry tomatoes starting to turn brown. Inspected leaves for bugs not finding mites or white flies. They are in a different spot facing south, getting afternoon sun while the others getting morning sun. Both are in “Earth Boxes” with water coming from space under soil. Any ideas? Growing season coming to end here in Denver.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you are getting flowers but no fruit, really the only issue is pollination. Because of the high heat in much of the country this season, this can sometimes make pollinators a little lazier than they should be. Therefore, you may need to hand pollinate to make up for it. This article will help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/pollinate-tomatoes.htm