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Hyacinth Plant


dizzy added on February 27, 2012 | Answered

When should tomatoes and peppers set fruit? How do you know when fruit is set?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 28, 2012

Tomatoes and peppers require warm temperatures before they will begin to set fruit.The amount of time these plants need before setting fruit is called days to maturity (the amount of time it takes to go from a transplanted seedling to the first ripe fruit). For tomatoes, this can range anywhere from 60-100 days, depending on the variety grown. Typically, it takes a tomato fruit about 40 days to ripen from the moment it is pollinated. For peppers, fruit setting may take up to 100 days, sometimes longer but there are varieties that may do so within 65-70 days.

You will know whn the plants are setting fruit by looking at the flowers, which will begin forming tiny fruits once pollinated.

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