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Tomato Plants

Q.tomatoes don’t ripen

Zone Tucson Az 85712 | Jaime added on July 5, 2016 | Answered

Tomato (Tucson, Az) fruit is set but they do not ripen. Some fruit is still green after 49 days. How do I get them ripe? It’s hot so water how often.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 7, 2016

It could depend on the type of tomato plants you're growing -- there are varieties that take much longer to ripen. Particularly if you started them from seed rather than purchased plants, you'll find they take slightly longer to mature. As long as the actual tomatoes are showing growth (getting larger), it's really nothing to worry about, and you're stuck playing the waiting game. You could pull them off and ripen them indoors if you don't have the patience to let them ripen outside. These articles may help you:




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