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Hyacinth Plant

Q.tomato seedlings

Zone 60521 | Thomas R Casten added on April 25, 2017 | Answered

We have grown several hundred heirloom tomato seedlings every year for home and for charity fundraisers, but hit a snag and seek advice. We traveled for a month right after first transplant to 2″ containers, came back to find little to no growth. The person we hired to water had over watered and leaves were yellow. Also turned head down in house, so room was less warm than past years. Now all moved to temporary green house structures, fertilized and properly watered for 10 days, still very slow growth.

Question: Will the period of slow growth permanently and negatively impact the plants? Our last frost date is May 15, three weeks out and we are still looking at first set of second leaves.

Tom Casten

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 30, 2017

Though seedlings can recover, this may be slow and seedlings can become weak.
Yellowing likely is the cause of watering issues.
Moisture should be consistent.

Fertilizing should take place when there are at least 3 to 4 sets of leaves.
Only use a tomato fertilizer at 1/4 strength.
Do not fertilize unless they are actively growing.

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