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Tomato Plants

Q.Tomato plants leaves yellowing and no fruit

Zone 32837 | Anonymous added on August 23, 2020 | Answered

I have few questions:

1. My tomato plant lower leaves are turning yellow

2. Only one fruit came so far

3 Multiple flowers came in and getting dried but no fruit.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 23, 2020

Tomato plants desperately need calcium (either ground up egg shells or barn lime) & epson salt.
Give your plants 1 tablespoon of each every month.
The yellow leaves are probably blight. I’ve tried various things ... crumpling up newspapers & putting them around the rain edge of the plant - nope; a concoction of baby shampoo, baking soda, cooking oil & water with a dab of bleach per gallon - nada. Next year I’m going to try mulching around the plants with hay/straw with no seeds and putting a layer of about 2” of hay/straw around the base of the plants.
We even tried cutting off all the branches of the plant up to about 10”.
Blight is from the ground. Our garden plot has been a vegetable garden for many years. And we really don’t have anyplace else on our property to start a new one.
If you learn of something to rid your soil of blight, let all of us know!

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