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Tomato Plants

Q.Tomato Plant Problem

Zone Derby | Sideshowbob added on August 22, 2020 | Answered

My tomato plants are sprouting from leaf nodes and the leaves are taking on a purple hue. I have Gardeners Delight (affected) and Tigrella (not affected)- both grown from seed in a propriety compost.I have been getting a good crop from both but now the GD are ripening pebble sized and not getting any larger. I wonder kid this is anything to do with the recent discovery of weedkiller traces in some retail compost?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 24, 2020

This may have more to do with deficiency, or pH swing. I would check the pH and fertility of the soil first. Amend accordingly, and the problem should subside. If it does not within about 2 weeks, then you can begin to diagnose infections.

I suspect that this is a pH issue, or a true phosphorus deficiency, though.

Here are some articles that will help:



This article will help you to grow tomatoes to their potential:


If you would like to download a free e-book to give you a comprehensive information on tomatoes then follow this link:


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