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Cherry Tomatoes

Q.Tomato Plant Color Fading

Anonymous added on June 13, 2011 | Answered

Two weeks ago I planted 12 tomato plants: 6 cherry tomato and& 6 regular. As usual, I put a teaspoon of Epsom Salts in the hole, added water, and set the plant. Since then, the plants haven’t grown at all and have gone from vibrant green to pale brownish-yellow. They look ‘perky’ enough, and there are a few blossoms. The plants just aren’t growing and their color is. . . sickly. We’ve had an abundance of rain in the last 2 weeks; they certainly aren’t lacking for moisture. I gave them some Miracle Grow today, in hopes that might help. Any thoughts?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 14, 2011

If you have had a lot of rain, at best it is that the nutrients were washed out of the soil and the fertilizer will help. But it might also be early blight, which flourishes in rainy weather. Give them some time to see if they perk up after being fertilized, but just in case, here is info on early blight:

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