Q.Tomato plant
Upside down tomato plant has produced good tomatoes up to now. Tomatoes still being produced but green. Does this mean plant is finished? If not, how long do they live? Plant is in a shed with carbon fibre clear roof.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Has it cooled down in the shed? Tomatoes ripen faster when it is warmer so when temps fall, whether in a greenhouse or outside, the fruit can take longer to ripen. Tomatoes are actually tender perennials, so they can live for years in the right environment. But tomato plants are susceptible to a dizzying number of diseases, so it is unusual for them to survive more than a few years even under the very best conditions. I think yours has just slowed down ripening for one reason or another, but I do not think this is a sign that it is sick.

Depends on what the temperature is in the shed
it being November, yeah its gonna die sometime.
It will probably make tomatoes just alot slower, and it will start dieing when it gets colder.