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Q.Tomato Leaf Curl

Zone 6b | Anonymous added on June 2, 2023 | Answered

Hello, I have a tomato (mortgage lifter) that is experiencing leaf curl. My other tomato and other plants do not have this problem, and I water the same, they are in the same location, and it has been only in the upper 70s. It has been 3 weeks since transplant, so I know it is not from that In the picture, you see that the leaves on the bottom are least curled, and the ones in the middle seem the most. Any info would be appreciated!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 5, 2023

Leaf curl on tomato plants is often due to weather. If it has been cool, the roots are growing slowly. When weather suddenly warms, the top has a growth spurt, and the roots are not developed enough to accommodate the new growth. It compensates by shortening the leaves. It should even out as the roots develop in a couple weeks. Here are more possibilities:



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