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Animal Control In The Garden

Q.Toads and Dogs

Carol5 added on July 11, 2011 | Answered

I just read two articles, one pro toads in the garden, one con. I could use the toads for pest control, but one article said the the toad could be toxic for my dog if it drinks from her water bowl. I keep the water bowl in the garage for when my canine is on her tie out in the backyard, or in the grass or sidewalk when she is tethered in the front yard. Will this pose a problem if I try to attract the beneficial toads to control slugs and pests destroying my garden?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 18, 2011

You should be ok. For the most part, toads will avoid water bowls just because of the fact that there is a large mammal (i.e. you dog) nearby. Could it happen, yes, but is it likely to happen, no. They are shy animals and are happiest hidden. If you provide enough moist areas, they will avoid more populated areas like waterbowls. They would have to be desperate to go near one.

On top of that, dogs normally learn their lesson really quick with toads. Just biting a toad can be an unpleasant and horrible tasting experience for a dog. They may do it once, but will learn very quickly what a toad tastes like and will avoid them thereafter.

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