Q.Tiny black spots on Passion Flower seedling leaf stems
The Passion Flower seedling has three “adult” leaves and looks healthy, but I noticed two if the leaves had tiny black dots on the stems. Looking at them with a 20 power loupe, I still couldn’t tell if this was some pest like scale, or part of the leaf. They are very firmly attached.
Could someone identify them? I don’t want to scrape them off it they belong there, but I want this seedling to be pest-free and healthy. It took ages to germinate and was the only good one in a whole bunch!
I have magnified the pictures as much as I could. The actual dots are just barely visible to the naked eye.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Those are, simply, glands. Do not remove those, as they belong on the plant. Many plants have them.
This article will help you to care for your Passiflora: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/passion-flower/passion-flower-care.htm