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Anonymous added on May 5, 2014 | Answered

I have a patch of yard that I want to turn into a rose garden/flower extravzganza. It has some grass but is mostly yard weeds. The whole yard is that way. I can’t get a tiller to go through that stuff. How do I make this mess tiller friendly? Can you help me?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 5, 2014

I would rent a Turf Cutter machine from a local rental outfit. Set it to cut down a good 2 inches or more. Run that over the entire area where you want the rose/flower garden. Roll up the matting of weedy stuff and haul it away. Then rent a heavy duty rear tines tiller. Till the soil up going one direction. Rake through it with a hard toothed rake and remove as many roots as you possibly can. Then I would dump several bags of good compost all over the area to a 2- to 3-inch depth. Till the area again going both directions. Water the area well and let sit for about 5 days. Lightly till the area one more time and you are ready to plant.

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