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Q.Thuja Green Giant

Zone Lewes DE 19958 | Anonymous added on June 6, 2017 | Answered

Is there any advantage or disadvantage to planting a 2ft vs 4ft vs 6ft Thuja Green Giant. I realize there is a price advantage to planting a smaller tree, but is there a long term growth growth or tree health advantage to planting a smaller tree.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 6, 2017

I worked at greenhouses and for landscapers over the years, and the answer most given to this question is, 'buy the largest tree specimen that you can afford'.

You always need to consider how fast a tree specimen's growth rate is and in the case of a Thuja Green Giant, they are very fast growers.
So choose a healthy plant and do not worry so much on the size you are starting with.

Smaller plants can be less stressed by transplant shock.

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