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Q.This plant that I keep trying to save

Zone 42450 | Anonymous added on January 3, 2019 | Answered

Hi my name is Trina,Well one of my children and I planted some seeds in our yard and was very very excited to see them to start blooming , I never really had a thing for plants to me it just looks too complicated to take care of them and take care of my 7 children at the same time I just didn’t want to have that kind of time to add on my plate if you know what I mean. Well that summer as the flowers started getting bigger and bigger I felt so proud of myself and that I have accomplished something that I really didn’t know how to do but it worked out very well. As the years went by it would grow and spread and they made me feel as if they were my new friends. It was just amazing how one seed can bring such beauty. I have a few questions to ask you because I am having a little problem with these two plants that I have. When I first received them from my husband it was a green leaf plant from the grocery store, it had lots of shinny green leaves on it. it kind of looks like the typical house plant that people have. I don’t know the name of it by the way. well I noticed at the tips of the leaves started to become orange and brown and they started to look sad at days but alive for a couple days. I got online and learned that I could cut them off because of the fungus that was spreading I guess. I also changed the soil to see if that would be better. it worked okay even cutting the leaves off went okay. even though I’m down to 7 Leaves now LOL okay my question is why does my plant keep getting Brown at the tips of the leaves? I also start to see some little Leafs trying to bloom but it never happens before they bloom you can also start to see a little brown and orange on the tips of them as well. I’m not adding too much water I do know that. I was once told also that it could be the soil. Well I have changed the soil and my plant “poodles” still looks sick. I also noticed the other day that there was some kind of gnats on the soil. Please will you help me figure out what is going on with poodles? cuz I really like her and I don’t want her to end up dying all the way. Please contact me ASAP I want to thank you for your time and I hope to hear back from you soon *Trina* oh and by the way the second picture is morning glory trying to bloom, it will bloom but then it dies. why?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 4, 2019

I know you don't want to hear this, but from everything you have explained, this does, in fact, sound like an over-watering issue. If it is not currently ongoing, then it has happened in the past. If the fungus has spread to a level that is too much for the plant to fight off then it is already heavily in the plant. Re-potting helps only for a little while, but if it is already on and in the plant root system, then it just spreads again.

Adding peroxide to the water when you give it some can help. Just a few capfuls will be enough. It is also worthy to mention that you will want to keep this in bright, but indirect light, and away from cool areas.

As for your morning glory... Yes. In most places this is the natural cycle. It takes quite a bit of care to keep them maintained after flowering.

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