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Q.This is my umph(?)-teen fern that is dying. How can I grow thriving healthy ferns indoors?

Zone 21208 | Anonymous added on February 11, 2020 | Answered

My fern (no descriptive name was on the plant) has greatly deteriorated to two stems, with one its way out. I have tried watering a bit each day and have also tried watering once or twice per week. I try to keep near a window for bright light and have tried keeping near medium light. I have spritzed and not spritzed, but no matter how beautiful and lush the plant starts out to be it ends up eventually in the garbage. I’ve spent so much on ferns, especially Maiden Hair, which I absolutely love, but sadly watch money go down the drain. The only time I was able to grown beautiful Maiden Hair was at work on top of a flipper cabinet. Perhaps it was the overhead lights? I don’t know, but eventually after sometime they all died as well. The only fern I ever kept was an asparagus fern I had for over 10-12 years. I put it out every spring for the rain water and it was lush and beautiful. It died out when I brought it inside before a frost. A few years ago I tried repotting it and put it outside where I couldn’t see it and forgot it outside and it died. I’m SO frustrated that I can’t seem to successfully grow/keep ferns that I’m desperately seeking answers. Please help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 12, 2020

Ferns indoors take a little more vigilance than other houseplants. Their soil must be kept moist and they like humidity and compost similar to a woodland setting. Here is more:

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