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Foxglove Plants

Q.Thinning Dilemma!

Zone 59801 Zone 4 into a little bit of 5 | BuddyandWinnie added on July 29, 2021 | Answered

Hello! I planted Foxglove and Delphinium seeds and now they are very much growing but are PACKED together. I’m assuming each plant would like some space of its own from which to grow and thrive. My dilemma is that I fear that thinning and then transplanting what I’ve thinned wouldn’t work in this heat wave that we’re having but the idea of thinning and simply tossing what I’ve thinned into the compost feels heartbreaking for the poor things that I’ve uprooted. So I’ve been stuck not taking any action. I would so appreciate your advice about this.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 29, 2021

Unfortunately, this is the issue that comes up with overseeding. In most cases, they will struggle after trying to pull them up and transplant them. This isn't to say that you can't try and save them, but this will likely be the case most of the time.

Composting them is not a bad idea. This is common. You can continue to do so.

Here are some articles that will help:



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